We have two steps here: To become aware that something is calling you––a new purpose, a new relationship, a new beginning in your profession. Then, the next step is revealed, and this needs an even deeper bow to life.

Joachim C. Wehnelt, Guardian And Mentor Of The Brothers Of Heart

New Cycle Starting May 26, 2024

Photo: Simon Berger on Unsplash.com

Brothers Of Heart

The Call And The Step


This is a call for men to live what life calls you to live.

What is life about, for YOU?


NOW? In 2024?


What is the next step you want to see happening?


Actually, we have two steps here:

To become aware that something is calling you.

A new purpose, a new relationship, a new beginning in your profession.


This needs a deep listening to hear your heart out.

It needs a bow to hear life within you.

This reveals a longing that you might hear for the first time

or have heard for all of your life.


If you follow that call, the next step is revealed:

The lack.


What is missing for you to be able to go ahead to follow your call?


This needs an ever deeper bow to life.

Because my experience in working with men for many years now shows:

A man cannot do it by himself alone.


Regardless if a man is strong, advanced, skillful;

a man needs other men to be able to 

seize the day,

and grab the bull by its horns.


A man allowing himself to feel other men, and feel himself in a circle with other men;

sharing, laughing together, exploring needs and doubts together, advancing together, 

shows his maturity.

With other men, a man finds himself,

and this makes him strong in his intimate relationship, in his job,

and on his next step he needs to take.


I am happy and dedicated to guiding and supporting you in the new cycle of the Brothers of Heart with my expertise as a Systemic Gestalt Therapist honoring your individual and collective wisdom from all different walks of life and cultural backgrounds.


In ten meetings, the Brothers of Heart is designed to be a leadership circle empowering you to serve and supporting you to make a change in the world––

beginning with yourself.


The intention of the circle is that each man contributes to life in a way that allows each man and woman in the world to thrive.

In a balance with nature, each human shall have the place suitable for heart and soul.

If every soul is on its place, this brings peace in the world.


To find his place, each man gets insights supporting his journey by sharing what is meaningful to him with other men, getting guidance from Joachim and co-creating the safety together to do the next step that his heart calls for.


Let's be real.


Start of the new cycle of ten meetings: May 26th, 2024


To inquire about the next cycle, and to get to know me, and to apply for a free spot, book a free consultation call online with me. Available appointments are listed in the schedule below


I am looking forward to meeting you and supporting you in following your call to take the next step life wants you to take.

Joachim C. Wehnelt

Systemic Gestalt Therapist and Counselor


Guardian and mentor of the Brothers


Brothers Of Heart


  • 10 guided meetings with Joachim
  • and men from different nations and all walks of life
  • With tools and insights from years of counseling experience of men
  • Moderated Chat

  • Starting Sunday, May 26, 2024
  • 10 meetings online
  • on Sundays, for 90 Minutes each
  • from 20.00 to 21.30 Berlin
  • 14.00 to 15.30 New York
  • 11.00 to 12.30 San Francisco
  • 06.00 to 07.30 Auckland (Monday morning) 


  1. May 26, 2024
  2. June 2, 2024
  3. June 9, 2024
  4. June 16, 2024
  5. June 23, 2024
  6. June 30, 2024
  7. July 7, 2024
  8. July 14, 2024
  9. July 21, 2024
  10. July 28, 2024


  • 550 Euro
  • Early bird: 490 Euro (offer ends May 9, 2024)
  • Registration: inquire about the circle in a free consultation call.
  • Availabe appointments in the timetable below or inquire by email

Feedback of Men

What was your experience with the Brothers Of Heart and with leader Joachim?

Being Real

"The Brothers of Heart are my tribe of men. I appreciate that we are real with each other, we share how things really are, for us. I love that we are on a growing path together, learning new things, healing old stuff. And I love that we include the full range of what it means for us to be men, whether it’s wildness and fire, vulnerability, frustration, feeling a lot or not feeling anything."

Nicolas Amaya, Spain

True transformation

"The last year of being in the Brothers has been a place of deep support and sharing with other men, a place where I can truly be and explore myself as a man, something I look forward to each time we meet. Joachim's facilitation creates a warm and welcoming space where true transformation occurs."

Michael Thayer, USA

Strength and Vision

"As someone who has been very critical of himself for many years, I have learnt more about myself, my connection to my ancestors, my strength, my visions and much more during these 10 weeks, my strength, my visions and much more than I had experienced in previous years when I often felt at a dead end.

The result is a strong, deeply rooted tree that can draw strength from its connection to its ancestors and feel the visions in its crown. 
A huge gift, THANK YOU dear Joachim. THANK YOU for making this journey possible and for accompanying and supporting me so wonderfully on this journey to my roots. 
And I'm already really looking forward to the next Brothers!"
Peter Werner, Germany

Podcast: Living a Meaningful Life

In my work as a psychotherapist online, I realized there is something missing in the offerings that are around. I named my practice Seven Senses Berlin because I want all the senses to support the path of my clients, and include the seventh sense in it that stands for me for the sense of the Higher. Yet many times, this sense is excluded in therapy. With this podcast, I want to bridge that gap.


In the premiering episode, I map out how the tools of psychotherapy can support every person to find meaning in life. On the pathway to spiritual attainment, unlocking your body wisdom is key. In my experience, many clients do not even ask the most important questions anymore because they are struggling in their everyday life. I understand that. But symptoms like burnout, depression or constant headaches many times want to uncover the need of a person to find a deeper meaning in life.

MENtal Health: Free E-Booklet "The Birth Of Man"

The Hero's Journey For A 21st-Century-Man

MENtal Health E-Booklet The Birth of Man
To be a man is not a given. It never was. This is a free guidance into the hero's journey for men in the 21st century.
MENtal Health The Birth of Man.pdf
PDF-Dokument [12.0 MB]

Inspirations For Men Finding Their Truth

How can you become the man you want to be? In a beautiful conversation, my dear colleague Gabriel Ellis talks with me about the benefits and challenges of being and becoming a man today. Why do many men lead their lifes as lone wolves? What is the benefit of it? How can we honor the need of a men more fully?

Thank you Gabriel for this inspiring invitation to deepen our awareness! More about Gabriel and his work here.

Trailer for a touching documentary of men speaking up

In this 3-minute trailer, you get a glimpse of the documentary "What is it like to be a man for you?". The full video clip is shown below.

For an enhanced experience you can activate subtitles in English (by clicking on the wheel icon in the lower bar of the YouTube screen)

Documentary "Behind The Scenes"

What Is It Like To Be A Man For You?

Five men from around the world–Japan, Ireland, Palestine, and the USA–share their insights about what it is like to be a man for them in this touching video clip introduced by Joachim. They address the pressure of cultures, the vulnerabilities as boys, the maturity of bonding, and the accountability towards women (25 min).

For an enhanced experience you can activate English subtitles by clicking on the wheel icon in the lower bar of the YouTube screen.


Thank you, Jakob Owens, for your beautiful picture on Unsplash.com

Brothers Of Heart

A Call And The Steps

To contact me and meet me for a free get-to-know online call, please check the schedule for an available appointment or write an email. I am looking forward to meeting you! Joachim

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