Fruits of the Roots

A 10-week-class: Working with the Soul Tree to make your ancestors your resource today


The unique class "Fruits of the Roots" is an invitation to a precious journey to your ancestors.

With a 10-week-class including a one-on-one session and additional peer groups, this journey goes way beyond classical genealogy.


It is designed to connect you to your ancestors by really feeling them so that they become a true and powerful resource for you.


The intention is to deepen the connection with your roots to support you in taking your place in the world fully.


As there might be storms in the world, this strengthens you to stay firmly grounded in the gifts and connection your ancestors hold for you.


For this, every participant gets the tools of the Soul Tree I developed to make his and her own family tree that connects you to not only the personal family tree but also to the collective ground it is standing on.


Your own personal Soul Tree will give you the map into a deeper understanding of yourself and your family of origin, as much as the culture you were born into.


During the meetings in class, you will be able to connect with others to find similarities and differences to other roots and cultures letting yourself be inspired and supported.


During the group sessions, I will give you deep insights into intergenerational dynamics and how they may play out in you. You will hear groundbreaking perspectives on family structures that support you to understand your own path.


In addition to the classes, you get a one-on-one session with me to work with your Soul Tree to develop it further.


Knowing the dates and whereabouts of your ancestors certainly helps on that inner journey. Yet the new approach allows you to connect to them even if you do not have all the facts. Your personal soul is intrinsically connected to the soul of your family. As a Systemic Gestalt Therapist, I will guide you into the landscape of your soul to the inner path leading to your family tree that carries the fruits of your roots.


It connects your personal soul with the family soul and the collective soul allowing a new understanding of events and emotions that may still be unseen or unresolved in your family and yourself.


The Zeitgeist ("Spirit of the Time") becomes feasible in your ancestors and on your own path.


The journey into the landscape of your family soul invites you to a new movement that includes stuck emotional areas that may affect your life now and allows you to deeply access your roots in a palpable way like never before.


Your forefathers and foremothers become alive. Feeling them supporting you on your path is designed to foster a profound change in your life.



The offer "Fruits of the Roots" includes:

  • 10 weekly classes

The journey starts with your own special family tree.

  •     You get a pdf with the template designed by Joachim so you can make your own tree.
  •     You get guidance on how to map your own landscape of your family soul. You will fill in the dates of your own parents and grandparents (and other important ancestors) and connect them with events within the time layers. This is a grounding preparation to let your personal and collective roots and routes becoming visible and tangible. 

Your easy-to-do drawing becomes a map to your resource.

  • A one-on-one-session

In a 90-minute session in a video conference online

  •     you can discover and explore your feelings and experiences with your ancestors in a mindful space to actually open the facts and figures to make them accessible. The following questions may play an important role in that exploration:
  •     Which ancestors were physically or emotionally marginalized or cast out?
  •     What feelings you are feeling may (also) be feelings of your ancestors?
  •     What role do guilt and compassion play?
  •     What was kept silent about in your family?
  •     Which physical symptoms you experience are hints from the family soul to be uncovered through you?

For a sustainable experience that is incorporated in your life, there will be a written

  • Debrief

After class ended, you can write an email within 10 days about how the new experience has unfolded in you, and I'll respond promptly to support a sustainable and embodied experience for you.

The class "Fruits of the Roots" is a new way to find a home in your roots and routes in order to draw upon the experience and wisdom of your ancestors and make them accessible in your everyday life.


The unique journey includes

  • Preparation with a written introduction into the "Fruits of the Roots" exploration
  • 10 weekly classes of 90 minutes each with deep insights about intergenerational dynamics, core family structures, and how collective intelligence works in your family of origin and you.
  • Small group meetings with an assistant for exchanges with other participants
  • 90-minutes-session with Joachim to encounter the necessary steps to make your roots your resource
  • A debrief by email after class to allow your experience to inform and support you in your daily life


To find out if this offer is for you, you can get a free online consultation call of up to 30 minutes. You can raise questions and we talk about if this class would be the right way to support you on the journey of your soul.

To make an appointment, please write an email to me. I am happy to get to know you and your roots.



Systemic Gestalt-Therapist


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